IF Your mother tongue is C++ or Java && You know that directories are not for calling && You know that hash is not a dish made of small bits && You know that overloading has nothing to do with transporters && You think that the concept of dynamic programming is ridiculous && You know that deducting has nothing to do with maths && You know that you cannot eat a raspberry pi(e) && You know that ARM is not the upper equivalent of leg && You believe you can program better than we do THEN cout << „Running bachelor/master thesis or student job @ emmtrix … “;
We offer students at KIT or HKA ▪ Interesting activities in C ++ / Java software development, code generation for embedded systems, source-to-source compilers, scheduling, code transformations, polyhedral models, embedded FPGAs / GPUs, MATLAB® / Scilab and Simulink® / Xcos code generation ▪ Exciting technology environment with creative freedom ▪ Flat hierarchies, own area of responsibility with room for creativity ▪ Excellent working atmosphere with start-up flair ▪ A team of highly motivated and passionate colleagues EMMTRIX TECHNOLOGIES GMBH (Karlsruhe) We are an innovative software development tool provider for embedded multicore systems. With our tools we assist customers from industries like automotive, avionic, automation and telecommunication to deploy the latest embedded hardware architectures easily and efficiently. Thereby, we enable the utilization of multi-/manycore architectures, FPGAs and GPUs within the same workflow. We continuously work on advancing our tool suite for the embedded systems market.
Ready for a step forward? Apply now! jobs@emmtrix.commailto:jobs@emmtrix.com www.emmtrix.com/jobshttp://www.emmtrix.com/jobs